day three
a.k.a. my lip gloss is the new pesticide against french insects!
*seriously. i had to stop wearing lip gloss due to all the bugs that would get stuck to my lips. disgusting.
i woke up with one thing on my mind: the louvre. here i expected to see the holy grail of all museums and art collections. i was beyond giddy with excitement.
by the end of my visit, i wanted to personally put a bullet inside of the idiot who designed that museum. the constant walking "up" to get "down" is fucking annoying to say the least.
but i digress.
i started off my day by coming off the subway and into the middle of a race. there was runners everywhere (including the sidewalk)! i waited patiently with other pedestrians until there was a lull so we could walk down the street.

finally i saw the louvre.

and the infamous i.m. pei pyramids.

while the museum itself pissed me off, i must admit the collection is astounding and gorgeous.

there was some interesting installation which mixed contemporary art with the louvre's art.

afterward i strolled through jardin des tuileries on my way to musée de l'orangerie (which i never did get to see due to the massive line of people dying to get in and see the monets).

then i popped over to see place de concorde and place vendome.

then it was time for my walking tour of st. denis and its royal burials (is it me or am i seeing a lot of dead people on this trip?). rather unfortunately there was construction going on in front of it, but it was still rather magnificent.

then back to see eglise de la madeleine, give the brush off to some creepy canadian living in paris, and then off to the arc de triomphe for the remembrance in the evening (i also came back at night to get some evening photos and to stroll down the avenue des champs-elyssés...where some creepy frenchman wouldn't take any hints so matter how icy i was).

then i decided that everyone needed to see just how awesome the french park their cars.
i woke up with one thing on my mind: the louvre. here i expected to see the holy grail of all museums and art collections. i was beyond giddy with excitement.
by the end of my visit, i wanted to personally put a bullet inside of the idiot who designed that museum. the constant walking "up" to get "down" is fucking annoying to say the least.
but i digress.
i started off my day by coming off the subway and into the middle of a race. there was runners everywhere (including the sidewalk)! i waited patiently with other pedestrians until there was a lull so we could walk down the street.
finally i saw the louvre.
and the infamous i.m. pei pyramids.
while the museum itself pissed me off, i must admit the collection is astounding and gorgeous.
there was some interesting installation which mixed contemporary art with the louvre's art.

afterward i strolled through jardin des tuileries on my way to musée de l'orangerie (which i never did get to see due to the massive line of people dying to get in and see the monets).
then i popped over to see place de concorde and place vendome.

then it was time for my walking tour of st. denis and its royal burials (is it me or am i seeing a lot of dead people on this trip?). rather unfortunately there was construction going on in front of it, but it was still rather magnificent.

then back to see eglise de la madeleine, give the brush off to some creepy canadian living in paris, and then off to the arc de triomphe for the remembrance in the evening (i also came back at night to get some evening photos and to stroll down the avenue des champs-elyssés...where some creepy frenchman wouldn't take any hints so matter how icy i was).
then i decided that everyone needed to see just how awesome the french park their cars.
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