Ahhh...it's always good to get the background
So last week I wrote about how I was awoken in the middle of the night by some shouting. Well, thanks to Kbean I finally know what happened that night (sorry, I couldn't find it online. so deal.).
Andy Misuck (who is running against Eleanor Holmes for DC Delegate) was robbed at gunpoint almost literally across the street from me. Luckily for Andy it sounds like he only lost his wallet and cell phone.
Andy Misuck (who is running against Eleanor Holmes for DC Delegate) was robbed at gunpoint almost literally across the street from me. Luckily for Andy it sounds like he only lost his wallet and cell phone.
At August 09, 2006 1:06 PM,
Tara said…
So are you going to tell us what it was outside your house? I Suppose I could just go straight to your source, huh?
At August 09, 2006 1:21 PM,
vixen said…
just Andy being robbed at gunpoint...and then him yelling to a passing patrol car that some guy had a gun. they never caught him.
At August 09, 2006 5:56 PM,
DCSportsChick said…
Again, it's time for you to move...
At August 09, 2006 7:25 PM,
Tara said…
sorry. brain not functioning at optimal capacity--thought the 2 items were separate. Understood.
At August 09, 2006 8:13 PM,
vixen said…
no worries! i started to wonder if i should have gone into more detail. but i really didn't feel like copying the entire e-mail and posting it.
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