new seven wonders of the world
we've all heard about the ancient seven wonders of the world (great pyramid at giza, hanging gardens of babylon, statue of zeus at olympia, temple of artemis at ephesus, mausoleum at harlicarnassus, colossus of rhodes, and lighthouse at alexandria).
but here's a chance to vote on the new seven wonders of the world.
and time's running out.
today is your last day to do it.
the contenders are:
the acropolis (athens, greece)
alhambra (granada, spain)
angkor (cambodia)
the pyramid at chichen itza (mexico)
christ redeemer (rio de janerio, brazil)
colosseum (rome, italy)
easter island statues (chile)
eiffel tower (paris, france)
great wall (china)
hagia sophia (istanbul, turkey)
kiyomizu temple (kyoto, japan)
kremlin / st. basil (moscow, russia)
machu picchu (peru)
neuschwanstein castle (schwangau, germany)
petra (jordan)
pyramids at giza (egypt)
statue of liberty (new york, us)
stonehenge (amesbury, uk)
sydney opera house (australia)
taj mahal (agra, india)
timbuktu (mali)
the pyramids at giza have been given an automatic spot as they are the only surviving structure from the original seven wonders.
but here's a chance to vote on the new seven wonders of the world.
and time's running out.
today is your last day to do it.
the contenders are:
the acropolis (athens, greece)
alhambra (granada, spain)
angkor (cambodia)
the pyramid at chichen itza (mexico)
christ redeemer (rio de janerio, brazil)
colosseum (rome, italy)
easter island statues (chile)
eiffel tower (paris, france)
great wall (china)
hagia sophia (istanbul, turkey)
kiyomizu temple (kyoto, japan)
kremlin / st. basil (moscow, russia)
machu picchu (peru)
neuschwanstein castle (schwangau, germany)
petra (jordan)
pyramids at giza (egypt)
statue of liberty (new york, us)
stonehenge (amesbury, uk)
sydney opera house (australia)
taj mahal (agra, india)
timbuktu (mali)
the pyramids at giza have been given an automatic spot as they are the only surviving structure from the original seven wonders.
Labels: i'm always late with the voting
At July 06, 2007 10:21 PM,
Law-Rah said…
The only one I have been to as of now is the Colisseum. As of Sept. 14, I will have also been to the Acropolis, Hagia Sophia, Pyramids at Giza, Sydney Opera House and Taj Mahal. Fuckin' A!!!
At July 09, 2007 1:36 PM,
vixen said…
uhhh...just what kind of trips are you planning this summer?!?!
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