Ladies don't sweat
Growing up, my grandmother would tell my sister and I that "Ladies don't sweat. We glisten."
And she was so right.
I never saw a woman break out into a sweat unless she was doing something rather physical. But then again I grew up in southern California, where we are blissfully ignorant of this thing called humidity.
When I moved out East, not only did I learned that women did in fact sweat, but that they sweat A LOT. There's just no dainty way to delicately remove the sweat that collects on the upper lip and forehead. And DON'T EVEN get me started on the ladylike sweat that somehow collects on my back on the 15-minute walk from my apartment to the subway station.
I'm at a lost of how to remain "fresh" looking.
And I REFUSE to use something called a "sweat rag." That just sounds ten shades of nasty.
And she was so right.
I never saw a woman break out into a sweat unless she was doing something rather physical. But then again I grew up in southern California, where we are blissfully ignorant of this thing called humidity.
When I moved out East, not only did I learned that women did in fact sweat, but that they sweat A LOT. There's just no dainty way to delicately remove the sweat that collects on the upper lip and forehead. And DON'T EVEN get me started on the ladylike sweat that somehow collects on my back on the 15-minute walk from my apartment to the subway station.
I'm at a lost of how to remain "fresh" looking.
And I REFUSE to use something called a "sweat rag." That just sounds ten shades of nasty.
At July 04, 2006 6:24 PM,
Stef said…
Oh, God. I can tell you after working a 6 hour OUTDOOR July 4th event today, I SWEAT. And I inherited my Dad's oh-so-attractive trait of having my face turn bright red when I'm hot. So I looked sunburned and ill even when I'm not. There's just nothing you can do about it in this here swamp. I just wipe my forearm across my sweaty forehead, put my sweaty hair in a ponytail, and hold my arms out from my sweaty sides and hope for a breeze..... ;-)
At July 06, 2006 6:00 AM,
Matt said…
as Captain Beefheart said: Old women sweat; young girls glisten.
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