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do you have any idea how hard it is some mornings to make a glass of water without vomiting?!?

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Jell-o Shot Recipe Thursday

I love making this jell-o shot as everyone, after tasting it, wants to know what’s in it and are surprised to learn that it’s made with soda and not water (for an extra cherry taste use cherry coke). Makes me feel very Betty Crocker-y.

Kent’s Cherry Cuba Libre

1 small box Cherry Jell-O (do not use black cherry)
1 cup boiling Coca-Cola
1/2 cup cold Coca-Cola
1/2 cup white Rum
Prepare the usual way.


And for those who were curious how my friend and I came up with a Pumpkin Pie jell-o shot recipe…

2 parts Kahlua
2 parts Bailey’s
1 part Goldschlager

And because we were using Knox’s as a base we threw in some pumpkin pie filling and apple cider to get it a more pumpkin-y taste.


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