EPH Pics
getting our game fingers ready

getting prepared to get our game faces on

documentation of the Boobers injury

I would like to point out that Buggie is actually standing on a stool to be at the proper height for the game. My calves got quite the workout that evening!

we were ready for the strip club if EPH turned out to be hella lame

I have no idea why I took a picture of my tab. Maybe because it's so loooong???

getting prepared to get our game faces on

documentation of the Boobers injury

I would like to point out that Buggie is actually standing on a stool to be at the proper height for the game. My calves got quite the workout that evening!

we were ready for the strip club if EPH turned out to be hella lame

I have no idea why I took a picture of my tab. Maybe because it's so loooong???

At January 23, 2006 11:02 PM,
Marci said…
Why was your tab so long? That's funny.
I also like that we all have pics of the stash of cash...I guess we were all impressed with our monetary seriousness to The Challenge.
At January 23, 2006 11:07 PM,
DCSportsChick said…
Yes, it was quite a feat to balance on those stools- good thing we weren't drunk!
At January 24, 2006 12:16 AM,
Buggie said…
Poor Marci had to deal with me balancing on her half the night. AND everytime we did well, I slapped her on her owie shoulder. Oops!
That was fun. When is rematch?
At January 24, 2006 2:10 PM,
vixen said…
marci: i have no idea why the tab was so long...i mean i have alcoholic tendencies, but COME ON!
buggie: i'd be down with a rematch any time!
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