You know what's hot?
When you meet up with a boy while REEKING of chemicals.

So I had purchased Veet a while ago as I was intrigued by their commercial. The ease of shaving your legs so quickly. So a little more than a week ago I gave it a whirl one Thursday morning. Ugh. I could already see I didn't like it. The smell was awful. But I slathered it on best I could and waited the required three minutes. I tried doing other things as the commercial had shown (I believe the girl brushed her teeth and freshened up her makeup. All I preceded to get done was get some cream some place I didn't want it. Even though I wiped it off immediately I STILL ended up with a bald spot. Hot, I know.
so after three minutes I tested it. Unfortunately my lower legs take after my Sicilian side of the family and those coarse bastard hair wasn't going anywhere (as opposed to my arms and thighs which have blonde hair [the Irish in me]). So I waited some more. Meanwhile, I'm thinking it would have taken me less time to just hop in the shower and do it the old fashion way. Oh well.
ding! It's been 8 minutes and I have to take it off. So using the bladeless razor that Veet provides I start to take it off... Now I have to hop in the shower and rinse off my legs.
1. My legs do feel extraordinarily smooth.
2. I REEK of chemical
no matter how much I soap up or used fragrant shower gel I can still smell the chemicals.
I put on jeans and I smell the chemicals.
this was the day I was meeting some guy and all I could think of was how much I smell like chemicals. There's no way I'm letting him near me.
so overall, I don't think I'll use Veet again. The hair on my lower legs were growing back by Sunday morning and it took a few days and several showers before I didn't smell the chemicals.
but maybe I would again if I was bored one weekend and wasn't going to go out in public.
At June 05, 2006 9:41 PM,
DCSportsChick said…
Good to know. I was curious about it.
How did you explain the chem smell? I bet he thought it came from your 8 pounds of fake hair.
At June 06, 2006 1:05 PM,
vixen said…
people claim they couldn't smell it. but i think they were being nice. i was overwhelmed by it.
i made TheManOfTheMoment stay as far away from me as possible.
though i should have said it was hairspray to keep my 8 pounds of fake hair in place.
At June 06, 2006 8:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yeah, that stuff is N A S T Y. And smells terrible. And doesn't work. Boycott the Veet.
At July 22, 2006 4:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
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